Five Tips for Construction Companies Using Recruitment Agencies to Fill Permanent Placement Roles

If you need to hire a contractor for a permanent placement role in your company, you can search, interview, and hire someone on your own, or you can have a recruitment company to handle all that for you. Before approaching a recruiter about helping you fill a permanent placement role, there are several ideas you may want to consider.

1. Look for an Agency With Experience With Permanent Placement

Most recruiting agencies offer both temporary and permanent placement, but before selecting an agency, you should ask about its track record with permanent placements. In particular, inquire if the company tracks the percentage of successful placements, and even consider speaking with other construction professionals who've used the recruiter's services.

2. Get Involved With Some of the Process

Working with a placement company is great because it saves you a lot of time. However, you may want to be involved with the high level hiring decisions. To illustrate a possible scenario, imagine the recruitment agency advertises the role, reviews CVs, and does an initial interview. Then, you swoop in for the final round of interviews and hand select the best candidate. That optimises your time and gives you some control over the final result. In other cases, you may just want to let the agency handle everything.

3. Talk With the Agency About Interview Techniques

When comparing different agencies to help you find someone for a permanent placement role, you may want to ask about their interview techniques. In particular, how does the placement agency ensure that its interviewers ask the most effective questions? For example, some interviewers use carefully crafted behavioural-based interview techniques, and that can help to give an accurate view of how your candidate will truly perform on the job site.

4. Consider Temp-to-Permanent Placement

If you need someone in a permanent role, you don't necessarily have to commit to an individual from the first day. Instead, you may want to consider temp-to-permanent placement. With this setup, the recruitment agency finds a skilled contractor or construction worker to help you in the short term, but the recruiter also looks for someone with open ability who has the potential to go full time. This lets you "test drive" a few candidates.

5. Throw Your Net Internationally

In the construction industry, you may want to throw your recruitment net internationally. There are special visas to allow skilled foreign construction workers and builders to work in the country, and working with a placement agency that includes international candidates may make it easier to find the worker you want to hire.

For more information, contact companies like DSC Personnel.
